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2022 International Horse Genome Project Workshop

Principal Investigator: Doug Antczak

Baker Institute for Animal Health
Grant Number: 2022-67015-37265
Title: 2022 International Horse Genome Project Workshop
Project Amount: $17,920
Project Period: May 2022 to May 2023

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

This funding provides partial support for the 13th International Horse Genome Project Workshop to be held at Cornell University from July 24-28, 2022. Specific objectives of the Workshop are: a) to advance functional annotation of the equine genome as part of the FAANG initiative; b) to develop Phenotype-to-Genotype cooperative projects with experienced veterinary clinicians and equine scientists who will attend the Workshop; c) to build bridges with basicscience geneticists and bioinformaticians to elevate the level of analysis of equine datasets; and d) to engage equine industry stakeholders in applications of equine genomics. The Workshop will include formal oral scientific presentations selected from submitted abstracts and invited keynote speakers, breakout sessions of Research Interest Groups (RIGs), poster sessions, presentations by and discussions with stakeholders from the equine industry, and special sessions focused on funding sources and career development for trainees. We anticipate hosting a total of 80 delegates from the US and abroad. Partial funding has been secured from the Havemeyer Foundation and the equine section of the USDA’s NRSP8 National Animal Genome Research Program. Here we seek additional funds from the USDA Conference Grant program for travel and accommodation expenses for trainees and early career investigators. This Workshop will advance the state of FAANG datasets, develop new research partnerships between equine geneticists, equine clinicians, and population geneticists and bioinformaticians, and chart the future course of horse genome research. It thus aligns with AFRI Animal Breeding and Functional Annotation of Genomes Program Area Priority Code A1201.