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Effect of a Topical Herbal Formula on Pruritic Skin Lesions in Dogs

Principal Investigator: Mitzi Clark

Department of Clinical Sciences
Sponsor: ANIMOS
Title: Effect of a Topical Herbal Formula on Pruritic Skin Lesions in Dogs
Project Amount: $9,656
Project Period: November 2021 to October 2023

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The use of topical medications to control inflammation and itch is often desired by pet owners and veterinarians where systemic medications would be challenging to administer or raise concern about side effects. Various herbal medications have been used systemically and topically to treat a variety of skin conditions in humans and, to a lesser extent, in dogs. This observational study would seek to assess client and clinician satisfaction using a topical herbal formula to reduce itch and inflammation in the skin of dogs.