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National Animal Health Laboratory Network, Level 1 Infrastructure II

Principal Investigator: Francois Elvinger

Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Grant Number: AP21VSD&B 000C090
Title: National Animal Health Laboratory Network, Level 1 Infrastructure II
Project Amount: $281,200
Project Period: September 2021 to March 2022

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Laboratories within the NAHLN receive annual infrastructure support from the USDA to help laboratories maintain the requirements necessary to remain approved within each designation and to support an overall increase in NAHLN capacity and capabilities to meet the needs faced during an adverse animal health event caused by the presence of an emerging disease or foreign animal disease.

It is recognized that NAHLN laboratories have been significantly impacted by performing human and/or animal SARSCoV‐2 testing. We also recognize that even if laboratories are not testing for SARS‐CoV‐2, the COVID situation has impacted all laboratories animal disease preparedness and response capabilities for testing. Funding for NAHLN laboratories through this agreement would provide for laboratory personnel, equipment, biosafety/biosecurity, and limited “brick and mortar” projects that will directly enhance work product, test outcomes, etc.