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A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Use of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL), frailty score, and Blood Based Biomarkers as Healthspan and Lifespan Indicators in Dogs

Principal Investigator: John Loftus

Department of Clinical Sciences
Sponsor: Cellular Longevity
Grant Number: LOY001-CLD-EFF1-PIL
Title: A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Use of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL), frailty score, and Blood Based Biomarkers as Healthspan and Lifespan Indicators in Dogs
Project Amount: $7,280
Project Period: May 2021 to May 2022

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Abstract: This is a pilot field observational study to validate the use an owner assessed health related quality of life (HRQL; NewMetrica®) and veterinarian assessed frailty score as healthspan endpoints in age group and size group matched dogs. The primary objective of this pilot cross sectional observational study is to investigate potential differences in HRQL and frailty score across groups. Additionally, we hypothesize that HRQL will show a correlative relationship with frailty score in age group and size group matched dogs. Secondary objectives are to explore relationships with serum IGF1, HRQL, and frailty score. Blood and saliva samples will be collected and banked to perform subsequent epigenetic analysis. Additional serum will be collected for subsequent exploratory metabolomics.