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Effect of Topical CBG/CBGa in Experimental Wound Healing and Pyoderma Models in Dogs

Principal Investigator: Mitzi Clark

Department of Clinical Sciences
Sponsor: ElleVet Sciences
Title: Effect of Topical CBG/CBGa in Experimental Wound Healing and Pyoderma Models in Dogs
Project Amount: $41,778
Project Period: January 2021 to December 2021

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The use of topical medications to control inflammation and infection is often desired by pet owners and veterinarians where systemic medications would be challenging to administer or raise concern about side effects. The use of CBG/CBGa as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy in in vitro studies and human studies is interesting, and may have applications to the veterinary field in treating pyotraumatic dermatitis. This pilot proposal will provide basic evidence in a canine wound healing and pyoderma model using clinical assessment and scoring system, lesion photography, skin impression cytology, skin cultures, and histopathology samples to assess the effects of topical CBG/CBGa application.