Cornell AHDC/NYSVDL Emergency Preparedness Capacity
Principal Investigator: Laura Goodman
Co-PI: Francois Elvinger, Erin Goodrich
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):
We propose to re-purpose two spaces in our building by outfitting them with additional equipment necessary for emergency response to foreign animal diseases. One of these is a room adjacent to our receiving area that was previously designated as a wildlife laboratory. The other is a BSL-3 laboratory that has not been used for that purpose due to lack of essential equipment. We also request funds for the bioWALL decontamination system featured in the joint AAVLD/USAHA plenary session in 2018, which would be an improved means of decontaminating our necropsy suite and lab areas. Finally, we propose to purchase two molecular diagnostic instruments (QuantStudio5 and Illumina iSeq) for evaluation and development of new protocols for detecting and subtyping NAHLN scope diseases.