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Establishing the Presence and Cause of Unexpected Bleeding in the Irish Wolfhound

Principal Investigator: Daniel Fletcher

Department of Clinical Sciences
Sponsor: The Irish Wolfhound Foundation
Title: Establishing the Presence and Cause of Unexpected Bleeding in the Irish Wolfhound
Project Amount: $17,582
Project Period: March 2020 to February 2021

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

A recent survey of Irish Wolfhound owners showed a high incidence of excessive bleeding post-operatively and after traumatic events. We will test the hypothesis that Irish Wolfhounds, similar to greyhounds, have increased clot breakdown (fibrinolysis) compared to other breeds of dog that may predispose them to bleeding. If the pilot data support the hypothesis, this would provide a rationale for prophylactic treatment of Irish Wolfhounds undergoing surgery with clot stabilizing drugs (such as aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid), as well as a foundation for future clinical trials and studies aimed at determining the mechanism of this disorder. We will use blood samples previously collected from 27 Irish Wolfhounds and are in the process of collecting samples from 27 age and sex matched, large breed control dogs and run a battery of tests to determine if Irish Wolfhounds have differences in their clot formation and clot breakdown that might explain the observed incidence of bleeding noted after trauma and surgery. We will use a novel point of care analyzer that could be used immediately before surgical procedures to determine if individual dogs have clotting abnormalities that could be treated prophylactically as well as more advanced tests of clotting and clot breakdown that may help us to better understand the mechanism of any differences seen in Irish Wolfhounds.