Evaluating the Impact of Automated Ultra-Fast Cooling and Warming in Science-Based Optimization of Assisted Reproduction Outcomes
Principal Investigator: Soon Hon Cheong
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):
The Cheong Reproductive Medicine Group, overseen by Dr. Soon Hon Cheong, plans to apply ultra-fast cooling and related MiTeGen technology to cooling and warming of bovine oocytes and embryos, to evaluate whether ultra-fast cooling and fast warming to reduce ice formation, combined with reduced cryoprotectant concentrations can improve viability and developmental outcomes. The proposed work draws on insights into the physics of cryocooling, ice formation and sample damage developed in Prof. Thorne's Cornell research group over the last 15 years; on the expertise of PI Cheong’s Reproductive Medicine group in Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine in assisted reproduction of domestic animals; and on MiTeGen’s expertise in the design, manufacture and commercialize tools for cryopreservation.