2020 Horse Genome Project Workshop at Cornell
Principal Investigator: Douglas Antczak
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):
This proposal requests support to enable Cornell equine clinicians, scientists, and trainees to attend and participate in the international Horse Genome Project Workshop that will be held at Cornell from July 26-30, 2020. The primary sponsor of the workshop will be the Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation, Inc. Secondary support has also been secured from the equine section of the US Dept. of Agriculture NRSP8 National Animal Genome Research Program. Together, those funds will cover the local costs of Horse Genome Project Workshop members who will travel to Ithaca for this meeting. However, we do not have sufficient funds to cover costs for Cornell equine clinicians, scientists, trainees who could benefit from this meeting. This proposal is based on the premise that the genomic information, tools, assays, and resources that have been developed by the Workshop members over the past 25 years are matured to a stage where applications in many areas of equine medicine and surgery are possible. We hypothesize that equine clinicians, researchers, and trainees who participate in this Workshop will be more likely to use genomic tools and information in their future research than those who do not. We seek $7,000 from the Zweig Fund to cover costs of communal Workshop meals, social events, and related expenses for up to 25 Cornell-based participants.