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Cornell Training Program In Stem Cell Research

Principal Investigator: Alexander Nikitin

Department of Biomedical Sciences
Sponsor: NYS Department of Health
Grant Number: DOH01-C30293GG-3450000
Title: Cornell Training Program In Stem Cell Research
Project Amount: $378,000
Project Period: September 2019 to August 2020

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The goal of this application is to provide a comprehensive predoctoral and postdoctoral training in stem cell biology. The training program will be conducted under the supervision of the University-wide Cornell Stem Cell Program. The training will be provided to 3 predoctoral and 3 postdoctoral trainees and involve carefully selected 23 stem cell research faculty mentors. The faculty mentors work in a broad variety of stem cell research areas ranging from molecular and developmental biology to functional and computational genomics to bioengineering and preclinical animal models. Selection of trainees will be based upon academic and research promise, with a preference for those conducting collaborative or multidisciplinary research. Trainees will take courses focused on stem cell research and regenerative medicine, and participate in ongoing activities of the Cornell Stem Cell Program, including Work-in-Progress Reports, the Stem Cell Seminar Series, the annual Stem Cell Symposium, journal clubs and retreats tailored to this program. Furthermore, the trainees will have an opportunity for training at the NYSTEM-supported Stem Cell Modeling and Phenotyping Core and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting Core Facility. This proposed program will occur in the context of Cornell’s New Life Sciences Initiative, the largest effort in its history, and in close interaction with the Cornell Center for Vertebrate Genomics. By virtue of a faculty known for its exceptional dedication to training of students and young researchers, targeted Institutional support for the Cornell Stem Cell Program, a culture of cross-disciplinary research, and a wide array of shared research resources and services, Cornell provides an outstanding environment for Trainees. This program will enhance the Cornell's ability to attract and retain the most promising and talented students and fellows in stem cell research, thereby providing the basis for expanding the pool of outstanding stem cell researchers.