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Strengthening the Poultry Value Chain in Eastern Kenya: Food Safety while Improving Livelihoods

Principal Investigator: Jarra Jagne

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: Engaged Cornell
Title: Strengthening the Poultry Value Chain in Eastern Kenya: Food Safety while Improving Livelihoods
Project Amount: $3,800
Project Period: June 2019 to June 2019

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The project emerged from research carried out by students of the Dyson School SMART Program. Their research revealed serious deficiencies in the poultry value chain supply for Mulleys, a family-owned supermarket. Smallholder poultry farmers who were mostly women and the suppliers of Mulleys poultry products had little training and access to knowledge about production, diseases, nutrition and post-harvest food safety. There was indiscriminate use of antbiotics and processing facilities were inadequate. The project aims to improve the capacity of smallholder farmers, Mulleys staff and regional veterinarians in a three-day workshop covering basic poultry management, disease control, communication, marketing, processing and food safety. Population increases and high demand for animal protein is fueling poultry production which can improve livelihoods and nutrition of the most vulnerable.