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Graduate Training Program in Comparative Medicine

Principal Investigator: John Parker

Baker Institute for Animal Health
Sponsor: NIH-Office of the Director (OD)
Grant Number: 5T32OD011000-25
Title: Graduate Training Program in Comparative Medicine
Project Amount: $262,109
Project Period: June 2019 to May 2020

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The Comparative Medicine Program combines the very best that Cornell offers in the form of didactic graduate-level instruction, faculty supervision and training related activities. Provision would be made for trainees to follow one of two tracks, one geared to basic research and one to a career in translational science. In each case, training would be structure to ensure the orderly progression of scholars to independence. The proposed program combines independent, faculty-guided research with formal didactic instruction in cell and molecular biology and biostatistics, career counseling, and a variety of professional enrichment activities calculated to develop the trainees' critical capacity, communication and teamwork skills.