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Assessment of Vitamin D Metabolism and Calcium Homeostasis in Indoor-Housed Offmann’s Two Toed Sloths (Choloepus Hoffmanni)

Principal Investigator: Sara Childs-Sanford

Department of Clinical Sciences
Sponsor: Mazuri Exotic Animal Nutrition Research
Title: Assessment of Vitamin D Metabolism and Calcium Homeostasis in Indoor-Housed Offmann’s Two Toed Sloths (Choloepus Hoffmanni)
Project Amount: $4,995
Project Period: February 2019 to February 2020

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Disorders of calcium metabolism in sloths occur with regularity, including published reports of soft tissue mineralization possibly related to vitamin D toxicity. Two-toed sloths are unique animals popular in zoo settings, yet both the captive and wild populations are in decline. No research has been published on calcium and vitamin D metabolism in sloths. This proposed research is designed to generate thorough baseline data designed to provide important information regarding vitamin D and calcium metabolism in Hoffmann’s two-toed sloths. The information gained from this proposed research will also provide a foundation for future research projects in this species designed to improve the knowledge about metabolism and physiology in two-toed sloths, reduce the incidence of disease conditions related to calcium homeostasis, and improve their health and welfare in a captive setting.