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Improving Experimental Therapeutic Development by Incorporating Studies in Veterinary Patients

Principal Investigator: Kristy Richards

Department of Biomedical Sciences
Sponsor: Weill Cornell Medical College (NIH)
Title: Improving Experimental Therapeutic Development by Incorporating Studies in Veterinary Patients
Project Amount: $57,723
Project Period: July 2018 to June 2019

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Dr. Kristy Richards will use her unique bi-campus appointment and location to enable the cross-campus collaborations that are essential to this project. She will also work with the CTSC to expand career development opportunities to veterinary clinician-scientists on the Ithaca campus. Dr. Richards' own research is involved in comparative studies of human and canine lymphoma, and therapeutic development for lymphoma patients. Therefore her own research collaborations will exemplify the overall strategy described in this proposal, i.e. to take advantage of similarities between human and pet pathologies to enable more rapid and accurate development of new therapeutic strategies.