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Can Blood Calcium Concentration Be Used As A Prognostic Indicator For Postcorrection Success Of Left-Displaced Abomasum In Early Lactation Dairy Cows?

Principal Investigator: Jessica A. McArt

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc.
Title: Can Blood Calcium Concentration Be Used As A Prognostic Indicator For Postcorrection Success Of Left-Displaced Abomasum In Early Lactation Dairy Cows?
Project Amount: $13,342
Project Period: May 2018 to April 2020

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The specific research objective of this project is to determine the association of blood calcium concentration at the time of LDA correction on milk yield and removal from herd in the following 30 days of lactation.