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An Evaluation of the Efficacy of an Iodine Teat Disinfectant in Reducing New Intramammary Infections

Principal Investigator: Daryl Nydam

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: Delaval Inc.
Title: An Evaluation of the Efficacy of an Iodine Teat Disinfectant in Reducing New Intramammary Infections
Project Amount: $76,410
Project Period: July 2018 to January 2019

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The goal of the trial is to compare the effectiveness of two iodine-based pre/post-milking teat disinfectants on the efficiency as a post-milking teat disinfectant. Product efficacy will be evaluated relative to a positive control iodine-based product. Because a positive control product is used, efficacy of the test product will be evaluated against this control product and the trial is designed such that it will be able to show non-inferiority of the test product against the positive control. Changes in udder health status and milk quality will be assessed by monitoring SCC and by following-up with milk bacteriology on quarter milk samples. Subclinical and clinical cases of mastitis will be identified throughout the trial. Teat condition will be also evaluated by performing teat scoring on all teats of cows enrolled.