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Prostaglandin Regulation of Type 2 Inflammation

Principal Investigator: Elia Tait Wojno

Baker Institute for Animal Health
Sponsor: National Institute of Helth National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Grant Number: 5K22AI116729-02
Title: Prostaglandin Regulation of Type 2 Inflammation
Project Amount: $106,380
Project Period: July 2017 to June 2018

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Examine mechanisms by which the PGD2-CRTH2 pathway influences ILC2 responses and helminth-induced type 2 inflammation in the lung, and will test how IL-33-dependent type 2 inflammation may be mediated through the PGD2-CRTH2 pathway, using cutting-edge approaches and complementary analyses of murine and human samples. Insights into how the PGD2-CRTH2 pathway regulates type 2 inflammation will inform the development and effective usage of therapies to treat type 2 inflammatory diseases.