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Formative Assessment of the Cuban Diet and its Impact on Health Indices

Principal Investigator: Genevieve Meredith

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: American Egg Board (AEB) (USDA-(NIFA)
Title: Formative Assessment of the Cuban Diet and its Impact on Health Indices
Project Amount: $25,000
Project Period: May 2017 to May 2018

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

The AEB received USDA approval to conduct a small study-in conjunction with Cuban health authorities-to document Cuban food and nutrition-related policy, programs, and practices, and the health outcomes they afford. It is hoped these findings lead to follow-on collaborative research projects. Our aim is to compile available data-complemented by input from Cuban health officials, key informants, and Cuban citizens-to define what is known, and to generate future research questions and hypotheses of import to both countries, as well as to the American Egg Board.