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Adenosine Receptor-mediated Opening of the BBB for Therapeutic Drug Delivery to the Brain: Proof of Principle for Treatment of Brain Tumors

Principal Investigator: Margaret Bynoe

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Sponsor: Schwartz Research Fund for Women in Life Sciences
Title: Adenosine Receptor-mediated Opening of the BBB for Therapeutic Drug Delivery to the Brain: Proof of Principle for Treatment of Brain Tumors
Project Amount: $15,000
Project Period: January 2017 to December 2017

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Bynoe’s lab focuses on understanding how the immune system works and the cellular and molecular basis of immune defects that occur in autoimmune diseases and cancer. Her lab also investigates development of immune-based therapies to potentially treat these disorders. Recent work has focused on delivering therapies across the blood-brain barrier.