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A Multicenter Clinical Trial using Autologous Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Cats with Chronic, Non-Responsive Gingivostomatitis

Principal Investigator: Santiago Peralta

Department of Clinical Sciences
Sponsor: University of California Davis/The Winn Feline Foundation
Grant Number: 201600302-01
Title: A Multicenter Clinical Trial using Autologous Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Cats with Chronic, Non-Responsive Gingivostomatitis
Project Amount: $5,656
Project Period: September 2016 to June 2017

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

There is an urgent need to increase translatability of the scientific discoveries made by the group at UC Davis. The group at UC Davis is expanding their clinical trial and have started a collaboration with Dr. Santiago Peralta from Cornell University. The proposed collaboration will be first of its kind and will entail the shipment of fat-derived stem cells from UC Davis to Cornell University in a hope to reproduce the results obtained at UC Davis. Parallel work will be performed where cats will be recruited at Cornell University and at UC Davis and be treated with fat-derived stem cells for nonresponsive gingivostomatitis. The work will entail recruitment of cats affected with gingivostomatitis, obtaining bloodwork before, during and after the trial, obtaining oral biopsies before and after treatment, collecting fat from the cats and shipping it to UC Davis for stem cell production, administering 2 treatments and follow up on the treated cats.