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An Open-source High Fidelity Veterinary Patient Simulator (VPS)

Principal Investigator: Daniel Fletcher

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Sponsor: The State University of New York (SUNY), Albany
Grant Number: 880031-28
Title: An Open-source High Fidelity Veterinary Patient Simulator (VPS)
Project Amount: $55,000
Project Period: July 2016 to June 2017

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

Veterinary clinical training follows an apprenticeship model in which trainees observe experienced clinicians treating cases presenting to teaching hospitals. High fidelity patient simulators enable an approach based on deliberate practice, in which relevant clinical scenarios designed to reinforce specific learning objectives are presented to trainees, who apply their knowledge in real time. This affords an opportunity for trial and error and learning from mistakes, highly effective approaches for adult learners. Unfortunately, high cost has limited the use of these technologies in veterinary training. We propose to develop an open-source, extensible veterinary patient simulator (VPS) that will make this pedagogical approach affordable for veterinary and veterinary technology training programs, and to test the efficacy of the VPS for teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation to students in these programs. The resulting software, hardware design, and documentation will be made available via a website and GitHub repository to encourage further development and widespread use.