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Creation and Dissemination of Interactive Online 3D Anatomy Instruction Modules at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

Principal Investigator: Linda Mizer

Co-PI: Philippa Johnson

Department of Biomedical Sciences
Sponsor: The State University of New York (SUNY)
Grant Number: 880031-29
Title: Creation and Dissemination of Interactive Online 3D Anatomy Instruction Modules at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Project Amount: $19,500
Project Period: July 2016 to June 2017

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):

In support of the Problem-Based Learning curriculum at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, the Modular Resource Center (MRC) is a multimodal learning environment where students explore anatomical concepts that are notoriously difficult to conceptualize. These modules are important resources for students, interns, residents, and faculty, yet are limited in accessibility and flexibility. Through 3D medical illustration and open-access instructional design, we can enhance the educational value and accessibility of our pedagogical approach to a wider community of learners. This pilot project will develop two online MRCbased modules relating to the musculoskeletal system. Using high resolution CT data acquisition, a 3D rendering of the dog skeleton and select muscles will be augmented by medical illustration to provide a unique online learning resource. By targeting student misconceptions and incorporating multimodal active learning techniques, these pilot modules demonstrate a scalable pedagogical approach that is adaptable for use by the broader learning community.