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Biomechanics, biomaterials, cell biology, and biochemistry of cartilage.
• Dr. Larry Bonassar, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University
• Dr. Itai Cohen, Department of Physics, Cornell University

Equine Immunology
Dr. Douglas Antczak, Baker Institute for Animal Health, Ithaca NY
• Dr. Brian Brown, Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh

Cartilage Repair
• Arthrex Inc.
• Kensey Nash Corporation
• AMI Purdue
• Dr. Scott Rodeo, Hospital for Special Surgery, NY, NY
• Dr. Brian Cole, Rush Medical Center, Chicago, IL
• John F. Kennedy, Hospital of Special Surgery, NY, NY

• Dr. Sarah Pownder, Hospital of Special Surgery, NY, NY
• Dr. Hollis Potter, Hospital of Special Surgery, NY, NY
• Dr. Rebecca Williams, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University
• Dr. Warren Zipfel, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University

• Dr. Hussni Mohammed, Population Medicine and Diagnostic Science, Cornell University