Tracy Stokol, BVSc, PhD, DACVP(Clinical Pathology)

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 607.253.3255
Research Interest
- I am a veterinary clinical pathologist with roles in teaching, professional service and research. As a clinical pathologist, I teach veterinary students, interns and residents in clinical pathologic-related topics, and also participate in many continuing education seminars. I perform professional diagnostic service for the Cornell University Hospital for Animals and Animal Health Diagnostic Center. As a researcher, I conduct my own clinical applied and basic research and collaborate with other clinicians and researchers at Cornell and other universities. My main area of research is the role of tissue factor (coagulation factor III) in hemostasis (particularly thrombotic disorders) and cancer metastasis.
I am dedicated to performing high-quality diagnostic service to benefit animal patients, in educating current and future veterinarians, and in conducting research that has direct applicability to animal health. My philosophy is "Do good work, take responsibility for yourself, and enjoy your life in every way - there is more to life than work!"
For more on my research, click here.
- B.V.Sc - 1987 University of Melbourne, Australia
- PhD - 1994 University of Melbourne, Australia
Biography/Professional Experience
- 1988 (Jan to Nov) Assistant Veterinarian, Pascoe Vale Veterinary Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- 1988 - 1989 Assistant Veterinarian, Templestowe Veterinary Clinic, Melbourne, Australia (11/88-6/89)
- 1989 (June - Dec) Assistant Veterinarian, Armadale Veterinary Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- 1990-1993 Graduate student, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (1/90-6/93)
- 1993-1996 Instructor, Department of Pathology, Cornell University
- 1997-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University
- 2000-2003 Postdoctoral fellow, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston
- 2004-2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University
- 2010-2015 Associate Professor, Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University
- 2015-current Professor, Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University
- Newman A, Estey C, McDonough SP, Cerda-Gonzalez S, Larsen M, Stokol T (2015) Cholesteatoma and meningoencephalitis in a dog with chronic otitis externa. Vet Clin Pathol. 44:157-163. doi: 10.1111/vcp.12212.
- Stokol T, Schaefer DMW, Shuman M, Belcher N, Dong L (2015) Alkaline phosphatase is a sensitive cytochemical marker for the diagnosis of acute myelomonocytic and monocytic leukemia in the dog. Vet Clin Pathol. 44:79-93. doi: 10.1111/vcp.12227.
- Che S, DeLeonardis C, Shuler M, Stokol T (2015) Tissue factor-expressing tumor cells bind to tissue factor pathway inhibitor under static and fluidic conditions in vitro. PLoS ONE. 2015 Apr 7;10(4):e0123717. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123717.
- Springer NL, Smith E, Brooks MB, Stokol T (2014) Flow cytometric detection of circulating platelet-derived microparticles in clinically healthy adult horses. Am J Vet Res. 75:879-885. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.75.10.879.
Warren A, Stokol T, Hecker K, Nydam DV (2013) Storage-associated changes in the bovine hemogram with the ADVIA 120 hematology analyzer. Comp Clin Pathol. 22:1235-1240. doi: 10.1007/s00580-012-15569.
Yeo WM, Osterrieder K, Stokol T (2013) Equine herpesvirus type I induces procoagulant activity in equine monocytes. Vet Res. 44:16. PMID: 23497076. doi:10.1186/1297-9716-44-16 - Pinn TL, Gagliardo LF, Purdy SR, Appleton JA, Stokol T (2013) Comparison of three immunoglobulin G (IgG) assays for the diagnosis of failure of passive transfer of immunity in neonatal alpacas. J Vet Diagn Invest. 25:91-98. PMID: 23345272.
- Pinn TL, Bender HS, Stokol T, Schlafer DH, Perkins GA (2013) Cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia is a sensitive and specific test for the diagnosis of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in camelids in the northeastern United States. J Vet Diagn Invest. 25:54-60. PMID: 23345270.
- Talllmadge R, Stokol T, Earley MJ, Earley E, Secor E, Matychak MB, Felippe JM (2012) Fell pony syndrome: Characterization of developmental hematopoietic failure and associated gene expression profiles. Clin Vaccine Imunol. 19:1054-1064. PMID: 22593239.
- Ogasawara S and Stokol T (2012) Canine recombinant interleukin-10 inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced upregulation of tissue factor procoagulant activity in canine peripheral blood monocytes. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 148: 331-336. PMID: 22609246.
- Ogasawara S, Daddona J, Trimpert J, Stokol T (2012) The effect of canine recombinant interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 on tissue factor procoagulant activity in canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes. Vet Clin Pathol. 41:325-335. PMID: 22724392. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-165X.2012.00437.
- Ollivett T, Divers T, Cushing T, Priest H, Dawson D, Peters R, Stokol T (2012) Acute pancreatitis in two five-day-old Appaloosa foals. Eq Vet J. Suppl. 41: 96-99. PMID: 22313482.
- Mitchell KJ, Peters-Kennedy J, Stokol T, Gerbold RW, Beckstead RB, Divers TJ (2011) Diagnosis of Parelaphostronglys spp. Infection as a cause of meningomyelitis in calves. J Vet Diagn Invest 23:1097-1103. PMID: 22362788.
- Esch MB, Post DJ, Shuler ML, Stokol T (2011) Characterization of small diameter in vitro endothelial linings of the microvasculature. Tissue Eng Part A. 17: 2965-2971. PMID: 21895486.
- Dawson D, DeFrancisco R, Mix S, Stokol T (2011) Reference intervals for biochemical analytes in serum and heparinized plasma and serum protein fractions in adult alpacas (Vicugna Pacos). Vet Clin Pathol. 40: 538-548. PMID: 22092930.
- Dawson D, DeFrancisco R, Stokol T (2011) Reference intervals for hematologic and coagulation tests in adult alpacas (Vicugna Pacos). Vet Clin Pathol. 40:504-512. PMID: 22092869.
- Stokol T, Daddona J, Mubayed LS, Trimpert J, Kang S (2011) Evaluation of tissue factor expression in canine tumor cell lines. Am J Vet Res. 72:1097-1106. PMID: 21801068. A figure from this manuscript was selected for a cover of an issue of this journal.
- Pesavento P, Stokol T, Liu H, van der List DA, Gaffney PM, Parker JS (2011) Distribution of the feline calicivirus receptor Jam-A in feline tissues. Vet Pathol. 48:361-368. PMID: 20634409.
- Priest H, McDonough SM, Erb H, Daddona J, Stokol T (2011) Transferrin receptor expression in canine lymphoma. Vet Pathol. 48:466-47.
- Stokol T, Daddona JL, Choi B (2010) Heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced tissue factor expression in feline leukocytes. Am J Vet Res. 71:623-629.
- Bartlett SL, Imai DM, Trupkiewicz JG, Garner MM, Ogasawara S, Stokol T, Kiupel M, Abou-Madi N, Gollias GV (2010) Intestinal lymphoma of granular lymphocytes in a fisher (Martes pennanti) and a Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). J Zoo Wild Med. 41: 309-315.
- Kabithe E, Hillegas J, Stokol T, Moore J, Wagner B (2010) Monoclonal antibodies to equine CD14. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 138:149-153.
- Fortier LA, Potter HG, Rickey EJ, Schnabel LV, Foo LF, Chong LR, Stokol T, Cheetham J, Nixon AJ. (2010) Concentrated bone marrow aspirate improves full-thickness cartilage repair compared with microfracture in the equine model.J bone Joint Surg Am. 92:1927-1937. PMID: 20720135.
- Wakshlag JJ, Stokol T, Geske SM, Greger CE, Angle CT, Gillette RL (2010) Evaluation of exercise-induced changes in concentrations of C-reactive protein and serum biochemical values in sled dogs competing in a long-distance endurance race. Am J Vet Res. 71: 1207-1213. PMID: 20919909.
- Sharpe KS, Center SA, Randolph JR, Brooks MB, Warner KL, Stokol T, Barr SC, Flaminio MJB (2010) Influence of ultralow-dose aspirin on platelet impedance aggregometry and P-selectin expression in healthy dogs. Am J Vet Res. 71:1294-1304. PMID: 21034320.
- Wagner B, Stokol T, Ainsworth DM (2010) Induction of interleukin-4 production in neonatal IgE(+) cells after crosslinking of maternal IgE. Dev Comp Immunol. 34:436-444. PMID: 19995577.
- Ospina PA, Nydam DV, Stokol T, Overton TR (2010) Associations of elevated nonesterified fatty acids and B-hydroxybutyrate concentrations with early lactation reproductive performance and milk production in transition dairy cattle in the northeastern United States. J Dairy Sci. 93:1596-1603. PMID: 20338437.
- Ospina PA, Nydam DV, Stokol T, Overton TR (2010) Association between the proportion of sampled transition cows with increased nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and disease incidence, pregnancy rate and milk production at the herd level. J Dairy Sci. 93:3595-3601. PMID: 20655428.
- Ospina PA, Nydam DV, Stokol T, Overton TR (2010) Evaluation of nonesterified fatty acids and B-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in transition dairy cattle in the northeastern United States: Critical thresholds for prediction of clinical diseases. J Dairy Sci 93:546-554. PMID: 20105526.
Awards and Honors
- State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service - 2015
- John Neville Research Scholarship - 1990
- Australian Postgraduate Research Award - 1990-1992
- Sunshine Foundation Scholarship - 1991-1992
- Barrenger Overseas Scholarship - 1992
- American Society of Investigative Pathology Travel Award – 2003
- Constance E Cook and Alice H Cook award for contributions towards improving the climate for woman at Cornell University – 2013