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Fluid Learning: A Multi-Modal Approach to Teaching Fluid Therapy

Clinical Education, Interactive, Learning Module
build your own fluid plan screen shot

Fluid therapy is a fundamental component of patient care in clinical veterinary medicine. To complement the largely didactic Fluid Therapy course material, ESS worked with CVM Drs. Isabel Jimenez and Caroline Yancey to create self-guided, interactive online modules to help students develop basic fluid therapy competency prior to participating in lectures, laboratories, and case discussions. Topics include the distribution of body water, calculation of fluid deficits, recognition of electrolyte imbalances, fluid therapy types, customized fluid therapy plans, endpoints of fluid therapy, osmolarity calculations, and calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium disturbances. These multi-platform interactive learning modules also serve to increase students’ exposure to active learning styles, which is beneficial for problem-solving during the clinical year and promoting critical thinking.

Dr. Isabel Jimenez,
Dr. Caroline Yancey