Barbara Schanbacher, DVM

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Extension Associate
Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 607.253.3673
- 1993, D.V.M, Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine
- 1986, B.S., Biology-Chemistry, Elmira College
Biography/Professional Experience
- 2013-present, Extension Associate, Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory - Endocrinology, Cornell University
- 1996-2013, Research Associate, Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory - Endocrinology, Cornell University
- 1994-1996, Medical Technologist II, Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory - Endocrinology, Cornell University
- SV Lee, DE Lee, BJ Schanbacher, VJ Salerno, and TJ Reimers. Implementation & Validation of human endocrine assays for clinical diagnosis & research in veterinary medicine. J Ani Sci 06/1999,45(6): S21-S21.
- GA Perkins, S Lamb, HN Erb, B Schanbacher, DV Nydam, and TJ Divers. (2001). Plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) concentrations and clinical response in horses treated for equine Cushings disease with cyproheptadine or pergolide. Eq Vet Journal. Vol 34 #7. 679-685.
- Mark T Donaldson, S McDonnell, BJ Schanbacher, SV Lamb, D McFarlane, and J Beech (2005) Variation in plasma ACTH concentration and dexamethasone suppression test results in association with season, age and sex in healthy ponies and horses. J Vet Intern Med. Vol 19. 217-222.
- Donald M Walsh, CM McGowan, T McGowan, SV Lamb, BJ Schanbacher, and NJ Place (2009) Correlation of Plasma Insulin Concentration with Laminitis Score in a Field Study of Equine Cushing’s Disease and Equine Metabolic Syndrome. J Eq Vet Sci Vol 29 No2 (2009)
- NJ Place, CM McGowan, SV Lamb, BJ Schanbacher, T McGowan, DM Walsh (2010) Seasonal variation in serum concentration of selected metabolic hormones in horses. JVIM 24(3) 650-4.
- Anna M Firshman, Christopher K Cebra, Barbara J Schanbacher, Elizabeth Seaquist (2013) Evaluation of insulin secretion and action in New World camelids. AJVR 74 (1) 96-101.
- JF Randolph, SV Lamb, JL Cheraskin, BJ Schanbacher, VJ Salerno, KM Mack, JM Scarlett, NJ Place (2015) Free Thyroxine Concentrations by Equilibrium Dialysis and Chemiluminescent Immunoassays in 13 Hypothyroid Dos Positive for Thyroglobulin Autoantibody. JVIM 29 (3) 877-81.
- SL Lewis, HM Holl, C Streeter, C Posbergh, BJ Schanbacher, NJ Placa, MF Mallicote, MT Long, SA Brooks (2017) Genome wide association study reveals a risk locus for equine metabolic syndrome in the Arabian horse. J Anim Sci 95 (3) 1017-1079
- SE Elzinga, B Rohleder, B Schanbacher K McQuerry VD Barker, AA Adams (2017) Metabolic and inflammatory responses to the common sweetener stevioside and a glycemic challenge in horses with equine metabolic syndrome. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 60 1-8.
- Forshey, Brandon; Moraes, CR; Lakritz, J; Pinto, C; Coffman, E; Schanbacher, BJ; Place, NJ; Coutinho da Silva, MA (2018) Embryo production by superovulation and dual siring in alpacas (Vicugna pacos). Small Ruminant Research 162 (May 2018) 63-68.
- A Zak, N Siwinska, S Elzinga, V D Barker, T Stefaniak, B J Schanbacher, N J Place, A Niedwiedz, A A Adams Effects of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) on inflammation and acute-phase markers in horses. Dom An Endo 72 106448 (July 2020)
- A Zak, N Siwinska, S Elzinga, V D Barker, T Stefaniak, B J Schanbacher, N J Place, A Niedwiedz, A A Adams Effects of Advanced Age and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction on components of the acute phase reaction in horses. Dom An Endo 72 106476 (July 2020)
Professional/Academic Affiliations
- AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)
- AQHA (American Quarter Horse Association)