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Strengthening Our Foundation

exterior shot of schurman hall

When the COVID-19 pandemic initially shut down much of Cornell, only a few operations on campus remained busy. In the ensuing year, which encompasses the dates of this annual report, the college took a science-based approach to keep students, staff and faculty safe. Our biosafety policies have been in place for essential workers since the beginning of the outbreak. Through testing, social distancing, mask requirements, new workflows and occupancy adjustments, we continue to make safety a top priority.

Along with the rest of the university, the college needed to constrain spending, postpone capital projects, limit hiring and temporarily reduce salaries for staff and faculty. We did not take these actions lightly, but with the goal of preserving jobs and benefits, supporting our students and fulfilling our college missions. The following information provides insight into the last year regarding our infrastructure and financial resources. The college remains committed to the following areas: Data and IT infrastructure; facilities; sustainability; and communication and engagement.

Read our 2018-2022 Strategic Plan for more on this endeavor.

The exterior of the Small Animal Community Practice building
Cornell's Small Animal Community Practice. Photo: Rachel Philipson/CVM

Facilities Renovation Update

Please note that many of the state and college-funded projects we had in planning and design were placed on hold due to COVID-19 and funding being secured. Below is an update on how we have progressed in the last fiscal year given these constraints.


  • Waste Management Facility boiler replacement
  • Veterinary Medical Center (VMC) reverse osmosis replacement
  • VMC compressed air system replacement
  • Barn roof replacement project
  • New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NYSVDL) lab projects
  • Fowell Lab and office renovations

On the Horizon

  • Veterinary Medical Center (VMC) roof replacement
  • VMC Transgenic Mouse Core Facility relocation to East Campus Research Facility 
  • Schurman Hall  laboratory renovations
  • New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NYSVDL) energy conservation project
  • Farrier shop renovation
  • Equine Farm Animal Hospital barn door replacement project
  • Teaching Dairy Barn site improvements
  • VMC lab modifications projects
  • Swanson Wildlife Center HVAC replacement project
  • Mouse holding suite renovations
  • Multiple planned maintenance projects

In Progress

  • Equine Research Park main barn replacement & consolidation 
  • Dermatology treatment & exam suite 
  • Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) linear accelerator replacement 
  • Interventional radiology, fluoroscopy imaging equipment replacement 
  • CUHA director office suite and administration consolidation 
  • Veterinary Medical Center (VMC) central sterilization equipment replacement 
  • Veterinary Research Tower level 8 laboratory renovations 
  • New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory receiving area modifications 
  • VMC level 5 BSL-3 autoclave replacement project 
  • VMC public entrance door replacement project 
  • VMC induction lift and table replacement project 
  • Intensive Care Unit dog lift project 

Fiscal 2020 Actuals

An empty hallway in the Small Animal Community Practice
Inside the community practice building. Photo: Rachel Philipson/CVM

Operating Revenues

Millions Percent
Sponsored Programs $43.2 20%
State Appropriations $32.5 15%
Sales & Service $57.5 27%
Tuition $30.6 15%
Gifts & Endowment Earnings $20.7 10%
University Support $27.8 13%
Total                                                                       $212.3

2021 revenue pie chart

Expenses by Function

Millions Percent
Hospital & Public Service $73.8 37%
Instruction and Student Support (w/ Library & Fin Aid) $41.2 21%
Organized Research $29.8 15%
University Support Costs $35.8 18%
College Support Costs $17.8 9%
Total                                  $198.4

FY21 expenses by function pie chart

Endowment Use

Type Millions Percent
Program Support $153 52%
Student Aid $76 26%
Position Support $64 22%
Total Endowment Market Value $293

Endowment use pie chart for FY1

Sustainability and Savings Expense Trends - Utilities ($M)

Year Amount (Millions)
2014 $7.1
2015 $6.6
2016 $5.7
2017 $5.7
               2018 $5.9
2019 $5.8
2020 $5.3
2021 $5.4
2022 (plan) $5.7
2022 (projection) $5.5

Utilities expense trend graph

Academic Faculty and Staff

New Leadership Hires

Dr. Timothy Hackett, department chair, Department of Clinical Sciences


Faculty FY '19 FY '20 FY '21
Tenured/Tenure-Track Professorial 120 118 113
Clinical Track Professorial 17 20 18
Research Track Professorial 7 7 8
Instructor, Lecturer, Sr. Lecturer 34 39 49
Sr. Research Assoc, Sr. Extension Assoc 31 31 25
Total 209 215 213
Other Academic Staff
Research/Extension Associates 43 38 34
Library Academic Appointments 2 2 2
Total 45 40 36
Post Terminal Degree Trainees
Postdoctoral Associates 42 47 51
Veterinary Intern/Resident 84 89 89
Total 126 136 140
Visiting, Courtesy & Adjunct Academics 87 83 79
Staff/Union 596 606 602
Grand Total* 1,063 1,080 1,070