Virus structure-receptor and antibody interactions
Our studies of virus capsid structure are looking at the flexibility and structural variation of the capsid using a variety of approaches - such as sequence-specific antibodies, proteases, and isoelectric focusing. We are also using cryo-electron microscopy in studies with Susan Hafenstein at Penn State University. In that work we have determined the structures of parvovirus capsids bound to different antibodies, as well as viral capsids bound to transferrin receptors. That work is showing in detail how the antibodies bind and neutralize the virus – which is key to the development of effective vaccine protection against

Baker Institute for Animal Health
235 Hungerford Hill Road
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: (607) 256-5610
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parvoviruses. The TfR binding also appears to induce changes in the viral structure, which is being examined in these studies.