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Current Laboratory Members

Sara Che - Graduate student extraordinaire and go-karting fiend!

 Sara, who hails from north of the border (Canada) started in the lab in August 2010 and hit the ground running! She loves good food and is the laboratory social organizer (Farmer's market, fruit picking, go-karting anyone?)

Lauren Witter - Veterinary student (DVM 2017 at Cornell) and supreme Master's student

Lauren took a year of veterinary school to work on the hemangiosarcoma project in the laboratory and get a Master's degree. She did an awesome job and I am so glad she wants to stick around for some more research!

Nicole DeAngelis - Animal Science under-graduate, veterinary school student to be and budding research scientist

Nicole is an absolute gem and such a pleasure to have in the lab. Not only does she cook good food, she does great research. I will be losing her (in a good way) to vet school this Fall.

Daniela Hernandez - Post-doc in clin path and soon to be resident in clinical pathology

Daniela is our immunocytochemical staining queen and also eager and adept at learning lots of new techniques, such as thrombin generation assays and flow cytometry. She does a great job at absolutely everything.

Most of the laboratory group in summer 2014: Bernice, Jeannie, Linda, Lauren, Sara, Pheng, Fabian

The obligatory farmer's market lunch with visiting students from Singapore Polytech (Bernice, Phen), under-graduate students (Jeannie, Linda), a Cornell Veterinary Leadership Program student (Fabian) and Lauren and Sara. Not shown are Wee Ming Yeo and Nicole DeAngelis - not sure how they missed being in here.

Previous post-doctoral associates and research associates
Daniela Hernandez (2014-2015) - Daniella joined us from Mexico for a short externshp during her Master's degree in Clinical Pathology. We liked her so much, we found her a job as a post-doctoral associate and she has been helping the clinical pathologists, including myself, with our research projects. Currently Daniela is working on the Grayson study. However in July, she will be joining our clinical pathology residency program.
Wee Ming Yeo (2010-2014) - postdoctoral associate and research associate: From Singapore. Wee Ming was such an asset to the laboratory. Lovely person and great researcher. Without him, the EHV-1 project would not have been as successful as it was...
Mandy Esch (2007-2011) - research associate: Mandy juggled both Dr. Shuler's and my projects and got publications from work done for both labs. The great multitasker.
James Camp (2006-2007) - research associate. Started the work on the fluidic device.

Previous research assistants

Christine DeLeonardis
Janelle Daddona

Previous summer veterinary students/under-graduate students

Cornell Leadership program
Sean Llewellyn, Atlantic Veterinary College, Prince Edward Island (2005)
Onno Burgfeind, Free University of Berlin (2006)
Boran Choi, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea (2007)
Jakob Trimpert, Free University of Berlin, Germany (2009)
Eliza Smith, University of Queensland, Australia (2010)
Maureen O'Brien, Ohio University (2011)
Deborah Burnett, University of Sydney (2012)
Svenja Weichert, University of Hanover (2013)
Fabian Lean, University of Queensland (2014)

Veterinary investigator program
Sarah Deaton (2011)
Lauren Witter (2013)
Jorge Adarraga (2014)

Qatar Howard Hughes students/Nanobiotechnology Center summer students
Vijaytha Rathnam (2007)
Felicia Lew (2008) 
Lamya Mubayed (2009)
Mohamed Al Hajri (2010)
Anchallia Chandrakumaran (2013)
Ahmad Al-Shahrani (2013)

Previous research assistants/Masters students

Masters of Engineering students
Albert Chan (2006)
Rebecca Moy (2007)
Daniel Lee (2009)
Dhruv Desai (2010)
David Post (2010)

Undergraduate research assistants
Leanna Doherty (2006-2007)
Sridhar Patel (2005-2007)
Rajiv Perinbasekar (2007-2008)
Alexander Fe (2008-2009)
Edward Chan, Provost's International Research Intern Program (2011)
Andrew Dougherty (2012)
Joohin (Jeannie) Park (2013-2015)
Linda Wang (2013-2014)
Nicole DeAngelis (2013-2015) 
Michelle Boter (2015)

Visiting research assistants from Singapore Polytechnic
Joseph Ho (2012)
Mok Zhen Xuan (2012)
Spark Hong Rong LOH (2013)
Bernice Lyn-Shien Lee (2014)
Pheng Siong-Chng (2014)