Rolfe M. Radcliffe, DVM

Department of Clinical Sciences
Diplomate - American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Diplomate - American College of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care
Associate Clinical Professor, Section of Large Animal Surgery and Emergency Critical Care
Section Chief
Department of Clinical Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
930 Campus Road, Box 25
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 607.253.4314
Fax: 607.253.3271
Research/Clinical Interest
Cook, V.L., Radcliffe, R. M., Hurcombe, S.D.A., Divers, T.J. 2017. The pathophysiology of intestinal dysfunction causing colic. JVECC, Special online issue: Essentials of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care. Submitted.
- Radcliffe, R. M., Hill, J.A., Liu, S.H., Cook, V.L., Hurcombe, S.D.A., Divers, T.J. Abdominocentesis techniques in horses: fluid collection via 18-gauge needle, teat cannula, and ultrasound guidance. JVECC, Special online issue: Essentials of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care. Submitted.
- Radcliffe, R. M., Liu, S.H., Cook, V.L., Hurcombe, S.D.A., Divers, T.J. Interpreting abdominal fluid in colic horses: understanding and applying peritoneal fluid evidence. JVECC, Special online issue: Essentials of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care. Submitted.
Hurcombe, S.D.A., Radcliffe, R. M., Cook, V.L., Divers, T.J. 2017. The pathophysiology of uncontrolled hemorrhage in horses. JVECC, Special online issue: Essentials of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care. Submitted.
- Divers, T.J., Radcliffe, R. M., Cook, V.L., Bookbinder, L.C., Hurcombe, S.D.A. 2017. Calculating and selecting fluid therapy and blood product replacements for horses with acute hemorrhage. JVECC, Special online issue: Essentials of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care. Submitted.
Education and Training
- 2007-2011 Cornell University, Fellowship in Large Animal Emergency and Critical Care
- 1997-2000 University of Minnesota, Residency in Large Animal Surgery
- 1991 University of Minnesota, DVM
- 1989 University of Minnesota, BVSc
- 1984-1987 University of Wisconsin, Pre-vet
Dr. Rolfe Radcliffe completed veterinary school and residency training in large animal surgery at the University of Minnesota, and became board-certified as a large animal surgeon by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2001. While working at Cornell University, under the mentorship of Dr. Thomas Divers, Rolfe completed fellowship training in large animal emergency critical care and became board-certified by the American College of Emergency Critical Care in 2012.
Dr. Radcliffe leads the Large Animal Emergency and Critical Care Service at Cornell, and his interests include large animal emergency critical care, colic surgery, orthopedics, and laparoscopy. Rolfe is involved with several research projects at Cornell University, including the use of biomarkers in critical care horses, applications of human advances in the veterinary field, and innovations in teaching, such as the use of laparoscopy for guiding student learning of rectal palpation in horses. Rolfe is also a talented falconer and works at the Cornell Raptor Program with their bald and golden eagles, and many other raptors.
Please select the PubMed link for a complete list of Dr. Radcliffe's publications.
Radcliffe, R.M., Irby, N.L., Divers, T.J., Dewey, C.W., Mitchell, K.L., Schnabel, L.V., Bezuidenhout, A.J., Ducharme, N.G. 2016. Transnasal, endoscopically guided skull-based surgery by pharyngotomy for mass removal from the sphenopalatine sinus in a horse. Vet Surg 45(8):1108-1117.
Radcliffe, R.M., Buchanan B.R., Cook, V.L., Divers, T. J. 2015. Whole blood point of care biomarkers review: clinical value in large animal emergency critical care. JVECC, Special issue: Controversies in emergency and critical care, 25(1):138-151.
Radcliffe, R.M., Manchester, A.C., Mohammed, H.O., Ortved, K.A., Reesink, H.L., Schnabel, L.V., Lang, H.M., Scrivani, P.V., Fubini, S.L. 2015. Laparoscopic-guided compared to skilled instructor support for student rectal examination training using live horses in the veterinary curriculum. Vet Surg 44(3):352-358.
Radcliffe, R.M., Cheetham, J., Bezuidenhout, A.J., Ducharme, N.G., Nixon, A.J. 2008. Arthroscopic removal of palmar/plantar osteochondral fragments from the proximal interphalangeal joint in four horses. Vet Surg. Dec;37(8):733-740.
Radcliffe, R.M. and Osofsky, S.A. December 2002. Disease Concerns for Wild Equids. ZEBRAS, ASSES AND HORSES: Global Survey and Action Plan for the Conservation of Wild Equids. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Radcliffe, R.M., Lopez, M.J., Turner, T.A., Watkins, J.R., Radcliffe, C.H. and Markel, M.D. 2001. An in vitro biomechanical comparison of interlocking nail constructs and double plating for the fixation of diaphyseal femur fractures in immature horses. Vet. Surg. 30(2):179-190.
Radcliffe, R.M., Hendrickson, D.A., Zuba, J.R., Richardson, G.L., Shettco, D., Ferrell, S., and Radcliffe, R.W. 2000. Standing Laparoscopic Surgery for Uterine Biopsy in a Southern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 31(2):201-207.
Honors and Awards
- 2016 Innovative Teaching Award, Cornell University Department of Clinical Sciences
- 2012 Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care
- 2001 Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons
- 1999 James O. Hanson MVMA Scholarship
Professional/Academic Affiliations
- American College of Veterinary Surgeons
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Equid Specialist Group Member (1998-2002)
- IUCN SSC Veterinary Specialist Group Member (1998-2002)
- Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society