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Anna McKane

Anna McKane

Brief Biography:
Anna grew up not too far from Cornell, in Corning, NY. She completed her undergraduate studies in Cell and Molecular Biology through a dual-institution program through Duke Kunshan University in China and its partner, Duke University in North Carolina. Spending time abroad sparked her interest in approaching research from a One Health, One Medicine perspective, and she pursued this through research on adeno-associated viral vector-mediated gene therapy for glycogen storage diseases in Dr. Koeberl’s lab. Anna also spent time in Dr. Sherwood’s lab exploring other facets of genetics by developing an improved Drosophila model of a neurodegenerative disease. In her first year in Cornell’s DVM program, she was eager to combine her research interests with her interest in large animal medicine to study disease processes in dairy cows and horses. Through the DVM-PhD program, she is excited to continue pursuing translational research to advance both veterinary and human medicine. Outside of the vet school, Anna enjoys rowing on Cayuga lake and running with her dog, Pogie.


  • B.S. in Molecular Bioscience, Duke Kunshan University, 2023
  • B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies, Duke University, 2023

Research Interests:
Having completed research focused on several different species, Anna is certain that our understanding of biology is enriched by approaching research from a translational, multi-disciplinary perspective. A common theme among most of her prior projects is genetics and genomics, and this is an interest she plans to nurture in future research. Her current research with Dr. Arunika Das and Dr. Mandi de Mestre focuses on uncovering the genetic basis for aneuploidy and pregnancy loss, using Drosophila, mice, and horses as model organisms.