2023 Cornell Feline Health Center Director's Letter

Greetings from Ithaca, and as the days grow longer here in the northern hemisphere, we hope that wherever this note finds you, you and your feline friends are appreciating however much sun you have, doing well, and enjoying life to the fullest.
This past year has been an inspiring one, as highlighted by the numerous exciting initiatives we have undertaken and continue to develop and expand. The rationale for these initiatives is rooted in the three pillars of our operations: the support of groundbreaking feline-focused research, outreach activities that empower the cat loving public and veterinary professionals, and the provision of unique and impactful educational opportunities for those who love cats and care for them.
Since we believe that educated cat owners and veterinary professionals make the best caretakers of cats, we take our educational mission very seriously. To this end, we are always striving to find new and effective ways to impart feline-focused health information to those who share our passion for the well-being of cats. That is why I am very excited that the focus of this year’s annual report is our educational mission.

As someone who has had the honor and pleasure of teaching students of a variety of ages and backgrounds, and as someone who comes from a family devoted to teaching (my wife and two children are all educators), I have come to understand and cherish the transformative and empowering capacity of education. To this end, educating our constituents about important feline-health issues is at the core of what we do every day, and observing concerned cat owners and veterinary professionals learning from our various educational resources is one of the most gratifying aspects of our daily operations.
Our educational resources take numerous forms, from our highly visited website that contains reliable and up-to-date information on a variety of feline health topics, to the quarterly webinars and monthly video blogs that we provide as benefits to our professional and supporting members, to the cutting edge information provided in monthly issues of CatWatch magazine, to our annual Fred Scott Feline Symposium that has become recognized as one of the premier feline-focused veterinary educational opportunities in the world, we are always focused on finding new ways to educate those who share our passion for all things feline.
Of course, we could not undertake any of these initiatives without the generous support of our donors, and we are forever grateful for their dedication to our shared cause. We consider our supporters to be vital partners in our mission to improve the world for all cats, and their generosity inspires us to work hard at expanding our impact every day.
Please take a few moments to read about some of our educational initiatives in the pages to follow.
Thank you sincerely for your continued interest in and support of our mission, and best regards from all of us here at the Center.
Bruce G. Kornreich, D.V.M., Ph.D., DACVIM
Director, Cornell Feline Health Center