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Student Life
Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine


Caring for yourself as a Cornell veterinary student  is key to your success. Seeing you thrive, academically, socially and personally is important to us.

Convenient and Creative

On-Site Fitness Room

With its own dedicated well-being space and an on-site fitness center, our college offers a convenient way to cultivate physical well-being. No sign-ups, card-swipes or gear necessary — everything is available on-site and easy to access.

Programming includes Pilates, Vinyasa yoga and other fitness activities, designed for all fitness levels and scheduled to accommodate busy veterinary students.

The well-being/fitness room can be reserved for recreational programming, welcoming individuals or student groups looking for a space to meet, practice or train.

Walk for Well-Being

Walking boosts well-being in almost every way, so make sure to take a break and join the Wellness Paw Walk. Held the first Thursday of every month, students and other community members take a leg-stretching, one-mile stroll with our resident teaching dogs around the college’s extensive campus.

people practicing yoga in the fitness CVM room

A Holistic Approach

Cornell considers all facets of well-being, including community-building and mental health support. Our veterinary college has a dedicated therapist available exclusively for one-on-one counseling for students.

The college’s well-being committee, comprising faculty, staff and student representatives, meets four times a year to discuss initiatives and share updates.

Kate Buckley

I hope to help foster an environment in which individuals at CVM can flourish in every area of their lives.

Kate Buckley ’01, well-being program director

Email us at anytime.

students playing ping pong in the CVM fitness room