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Career Focus Areas
Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine

Shelter Medicine

Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program

Cornell is one of the few veterinary schools offering a comprehensive shelter medicine program that not only teaches population management, medicine, and surgery, but also gives students real-world experience working in a local shelter. The program also offers an intensive one-year internship for newly graduated veterinarians looking to excel in the shelter medicine and spay-neuter fields.

Why Study Shelter Medicine at Cornell University?

  • Study pet overpopulation, companion animal epidemiology, animal behavior, and shelter surgery
  • Understand the role the shelter plays in both animal and human health, through the human-animal bond, preventive and wellness care, infectious disease management, forensics, and access to veterinary care
  • Get hands-on experience working with shelter and community animals
  • Have a meaningful impact on shelter and community animals’ lives

Hands-on Learning

At Cornell, you gain hands-on experience during your shelter medicine clinical rotation, the shelter medicine club activities, and through various volunteer opportunities. Past projects students have participated in include the Schuyler County Wellness Clinics, CornellVetCARES Community Cat Spay/Neuter Clinics, on-site shelter consultations, Spayathon for Puerto Rico, and theannual Spay Day, conducted in collaboration with the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association.

Program Features

Learn more about our comprehensive offerings under Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell: