Matthew J. MacLachlan, PhD

Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Assistant Professor
Center for Veterinary Business and Entrepreneurship
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Ithaca, NY 14853
- Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Davis, 2015
- B.S., Environmental Biology and Management, University of California at Davis, 2008
- B.A., Economics, University of California at Davis, 2008
Biography/Professional Experience
- 2015-present, USDA - Economic Research Service.
- 2022-present, GS 14 (Senior Economist)
- 2018-2022, GS 13 (Research Economist)
- 2015-2018, GS 12 (Research Economist)
- 2014-2015, Graduate Student Researcher, UC Davis
- Matthew J. MacLachlan, David Boussios, and Amy D. Hagerman. 2022 "The economic impacts of embargoes resulting from highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in the United States." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
- Matthew J. MacLachlan, Andrew Liebhold, Takehiko Yamanaka, and Michael Springborn. 2021. "Hidden patterns of insect establishment risk revealed from two centuries of alien species discoveries." Science Advances, 7(44), p.eabj1012.
- Stacy Sneeringer, Gianna Short, Matthew J. MacLachlan, and Maria Bowman. 2020. "Impacts on livestock producers and veterinarians of FDA policies on use of medically important antibiotics in food animal production." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 42.4: 674–694.
- Bobeck S. Modjtahedi, Amar P. Patel, Scott Barb, Matthew J. MacLachlan, Tave van Zyl, Thanos Papakostas, and Dean Eliott. 2019. "Characteristics and outcomes of endogenous endophthalmitis: eight-year experience at a tertiary care center." Ophthalmology Retina 3.1: 61–72.
- Matthew J. MacLachlan, Michael Springborn, and Paul L. Fackler. 2017. "Learning about a moving target in resource management: optimal Bayesian disease control." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99.1: 140–162.
- Micheal R. Springborn, Gerardo Chowell, Matthew J. MacLachlan, and Eli Fenichel. 2015. "Accounting for behavioral responses during a flu epidemic using home television viewing." BMC Infectious Disease, 21:15.
Awards and Honors
- Three ERS Extra Effort awards for updates to the USDA’s forecasting models, leading a workshop, and contributing to a study of COVID-19’s impacts on pork producers. 2022
- John E. Lee Award for Sustained Excellence in Group Economic Analysis. 2022
- Two ERS Extra Effort Awards for developing food-price forecasting method and a publication. 2021
- Research, Education, and Economics Under Secretary’s Award for contributions as part of the ERS COVID-19 Team. 2020
- Three ERS Extra Effort Awards for leading a recruitment effort, serving on ERS’s COVID-19 Rapid Response Team, and serving on the Plant Breeders Working Group. 2020
- ERS agency award: the Helios—Communication. Honorable Mention. 2019
- Three Extra Effort Awards for establishing MTED’s Young Researchers’ Writing Group, serving on the organization committee for a post AAEA workshop, and contributing to an ERS employee satisfaction survey. 2018
- The Helios—Research, Staff Analysis, and Outlook. Honorable Mention. 2017
- Gianinni Foundation: Agricultural and Resource Economics Update. Award for The Most Downloaded Article 2012–2013. Also featured as the most popular over five years. UC Davis Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics Block Grant. 2009–2010
- Departmental Citation “conferred in recognition of outstanding economic undergraduate accomplishment.” 2008
- NCAA Academic All American. 2005–2007
Professional/Academic Affiliations
- Founder and organizer of the MTED/ERS Research Writing Group. 2016–present
- Federal Forecasters Consortium Board member. 2020–present
- Plant Breeders Working Group. 2020–present
- Farm Foundation Agricultural Scholars Program mentor. 2021
- USDA - Economic Research Service’s COVID-19 Rapid Response Team. 2020
- Several ERS hiring and review committees 2017–present
- New Employee Mentoring, USDA - ERS, MTED. 2016–present
- Faculty Search Committee member, University of California, Davis. 2014
- Graduate Student Social Committee co-chair, University of California, Davis. 2011–2012
- Graduate Student Mentoring, University of California, Davis. 2012–2014