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New students arrive at the College of Veterinary Medicine

We’re excited to welcome new students to the college, including 12 new BBS students, 120 DVM students, 28 MPH students and seven MPS students.


Our new BBS students are made up of 12 Ph.D. students, three of whom are DVMs seeking a Ph.D., with one-third being underrepresented minority students. We also have two new matriculates enrolled in the combined DVM/Ph.D. program, and all total there are nine women and five men.


The Class of 2022 is comprised of 120 students, 81 percent of whom are women and 22 percent of whom are underrepresented minority students. Of the 120, 67 hail from New York state and 20 graduated from Cornell.


The 2019 MPH cohort is a group of 28 students, with 39 percent from New York state and 10 international students. Two of the students are in the Cornell Employee Degree Program, 75 percent of the cohort are women and 10 students come from underrepresented minority groups. Their backgrounds are diverse, ranging from international development managers to a high school principal, to name a few.


The MPS program, which allows students to specialize in parasitology, greets its newest group of seven students, who come to us from a range of undergraduate institutions from Texas A&M University and Pennsylvania State University to the University of New Haven and Cornell.

Welcome to all of our new students. Please reach out to college faculty and staff with your ideas, questions and concerns!