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eVETS February 2018: Events

  • Recent events: The Animal Health Hackathon competition invited students from any college or major to come up with innovative solutions in the animal health sector. The event kicked off with a conference on emerging trends and the future of animal health and health care services, and then students worked all weekend on their projects.
  • March 17The White Coat Ceremony is a rite of passage for the third-year veterinary student. It is a symbol of professionalism and empathy in the practice of medicine. The purpose of the ceremony is to alert medical students to the need to balance excellence in science with humanistic patient care.
  • June 7-10: Reunion 2018 will be here before you know it. Classes ending in 3 and 8, make plans now to return, and join us for the Schurman Hall building dedication during Reunion as well.