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Tuition and Financial Aid
Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine

Privately Funded Awards

Many scholarships at the College of Veterinary Medicine have been established through gifts from alumni, friends and other sources of private support.

A number of these carry, in addition to financial need, eligibility criteria and preferences based on the donors' interests in animal health, the College and our students.

For example, some donors wish their scholarship awards to go to students who are interested in a particular type of veterinary medicine, such as equine medicine or feline medicine. Other scholarships carry preferences for students from particular cities, counties or geographic areas.

To ensure effective matching, students eligible for scholarship assistance through these privately funded awards must complete a Student Statement of Personal Interest. All Student Statement of Personal Interests MUST be submitted through the Financial Aid Dashboard for prospective students or current students.

This essay should include:

  • reasons for pursuing a D.V.M. degree
  • species-oriented interests in veterinary medicine (one or two sentences)
  • goals after graduation (e.g. graduate study, internship, residency, private practice)
  • activities, community/volunteer involvement
  • other personal notes you think would help the scholarship committee in making awards