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Aquatic Animal Program

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University has an active program that focuses on aquatic animal health. The Aquatic Animal Science Program is part of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. The overall objectives of the program are to provide research, diagnostic service, teaching, and outreach functions, with an emphasis on economically and environmentally important issues in fish health.

Related: AQUAVET

Theodore ClarkTheodore Clark, PhD
Professor of Parasitology & Immunology
Vaccine Development; Mitochondrial Dynamics; Evolution of Antigen Presentation in teleost fish; Biology of the ciliated protozoa Tetrahymena and Ichthyophthirius
Rodman GetchellRodman Getchell, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
Molecular diagnostics and emerging diseases of fish; Target animal safety studies for new aquaculture therapeutants and chemicals
Hélène MarquisHélène Marquis, DMV, PhD
Professor of Microbiology
Pathogenesis of bacterial diseases affecting mammalian and aquatic animals


Rodman Getchell Lab