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Products & Services

The Cornell Veterinary Biobank aims to serve the research and scientific community by offering a variety of products and services, as listed below.


  • Genomic DNA from whole blood
  • Total RNA from tissue
  • Tissue, flash frozen
  • Tissue, fresh
  • Tissue, RNAlater
  • Tissue, FFPE
  • FFPE scroll, unstained
  • Plasma/serum
  • PBMC
  • Synovial fluid

Prospective Collection Services

  • Tissue
  • Tissue, postmortem
  • Whole blood
  • Plasma/serum, collection and processing
  • PBMC, collection and processing
  • Buccal swab
  • Unprocessed fluid

Lab Services

  • Genomic DNA extraction
  • Total RNA extraction
  • TapeStation QC
  • Nanodrop QC
  • Pathologist slide review
  • Histology services

Genomic Data

  • Canine genotyping
  • Genotyping data
  • Genotype data analysis - basic QC or cell line
  • WGS data

Storage Services

  • BioStore III Cryo storage (LN2 vapor)
  • Ultra-low freezer storage - client-owned or CVB-owned

For queries and estimates, regarding the Biobank products and services, contact us.


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