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Specific Prevention and Screening Recommendations

Specific Prevention and Screening for Cancer in Cats

Type of Cancer Risk Factors Prevention RecommendationsScreening Recommendations
Breast CancerSiameseRepro Hormones?Neuter, Frequent Palpations
LymphomaFeLV exposureConfinementFrequent exams
Oral TumorsFIV infection, dental InflammationPrudent Vacc useFrequent exams
Vacc-Assoc SarcRabies & Felv vacc.UnknownV.A. S. Task Force Reccs.

Specific Prevention and Screening for Cancer in Dogs

Type of CancerRisk FactorsPrevention RecommendationsScreening Recommendations
Anal/Perianal GlandMaleNeuterRectal, perirectal exam
Adrenal TumorUnknownUnknownAbdominal US, lab tests
Bladder CancerFemale, Small Size, Old AgeLimit insecticide use,weight controlUS if dysuria, hematuria; urine dx
Bone CancerBody Size, Anatomic SiteUnknownEarly radiograph if lame
Brain CancerBoxerUnknownMR?
Breast CancerOvariesNeuterFrequent palpation
HemangiosarcomaG.Shep, G.RetUnknownAbd US
LymphomaVarious BreedsHerbicides AvoidanceFrequent LN palpation
Nasal TumorsPassive smokeAvoidanceCT
Oral TumorsUnknownUnknownFreq exams, dent prophylaxis
Pulmonary TumorsPassive smokeAvoidanceThoracic radiographs
Reproductive CancersUnknownNeuter FemaleUS/Male - palpate
ThyroidUnknownUnknownFrequent exam
SkinBoxer ,Lack of pigmentUV radiation avoidanceSkin mass topography maps