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Educational Innovation and Career Readiness

students in a neuroanatomy lab

Our college is regarded as a global leader in education, with well-established programs for veterinarians and biomedical scientists.

By following the guidelines established in our 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, we continue to build on this rich legacy of excellence. We have launched the new Department of Public and Ecosystem Health to expand our real-world efforts and impact. We continue our work to integrate professional competencies into the D.V.M. curriculum, re-evaluate the clinical to improve skills of new graduates and develop new competency-based assessment, tracking and coaching program for students.

employment upon graduation for CVM graduates (2003-2021)*
raised for scholarship gifts
of all veterinary students were awarded scholarship funds 

*AVMA data taken 1 month before graduation. Typically, 100% of CVM graduates seeking employment have jobs within 2 months of graduation. 

Veterinary Program at a Glance

Class of 2025 Stats
Total enrolled 126 students
New York state residents 43%
% Women 82%
% Underrepresented minority 21%
% First-generation 19%
Veterinary students in white coats in Bailey Hall recite the Veterinarian's oath
Reciting the Veterinarian's Oath. Photo: Carol Jennings/CVM

Private Practice vs. Internship and Residency for Classes 2017-2021

Career plans at graduation, between private practice vs. internships and residencies, for the classes of 2017-2021


Private Practice

Internship or Residency
















Career Interest Plans at Graduation for Classes 2017-2021

Career interest plans at graduation organized by year and animal type for the classes of 2017-2021.

Year Companion Animal Large Animal Mixed and Other
2017 65% 18% 16%
2018 74% 12% 13%
2019 74% 10% 15%
2020 72% 13% 15%
2021 78% 8% 14%

Masters Programs

  • 46 students

  • 33 graduates since Aug 2020

  • $390K scholarship awards

  • 21% NYS residents

  • 80% female

  • 79% priority populations*

  • 37% international

  • 31% first generation

*Defined as underserved, underrepresented and vulnerable populations based on geography, race, ethnicity and economic status, including rural New York state residents, veterans, single parents, persons who self-identify as having disabilities and persons who self-identify as LGBTQ 

  • 11 students
  • 5 graduates in 20/21 academic year
  • 10% first generation
  • 86% female
  • 25% from underrepresented minority groups
A group of MPH students seated outdoors in the grass at Stewart Park
Members of the M.P.H. community gathered at Stewart Park this spring to mark the latest cohort's commencement. Photo: Carol Jennings/CVM

Biomedical and Biological Sciences (BBS) Ph.D. Program

Graduate Fellowship and Award Recipients 

  • Isabel Forlastro, NSF GRFP Honorable Mention 2021
  • Karla Garcia-Martinez, HHMI Gilliam Fellowship 2021
  • Kieran Koch-Laskowski, NIH F30 2021
  • Viviana Maymi, NIH F30 2021 
  • Jeff Pea, Weill Cornell Medical CTSC T1 Training Award 2021
  • Sarah Saddoris, NSF GRFP Honorable Mention 2021
  • Cybelle Tabilas, NIH F31 2021
  • Viraj Upadhye, NSF GRFP Honorable Mention 2021
A BBS student explains their poster at the 2021 BBS symposium
At the annual B.B.S. Symposium in summer 2021. Photo: Carol Jennings/CVM

External Fellowships Awarded 2020-2021

  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention: 4
  • NSF GRFP: 2
  • NIH F31: 1
  • NIH F30: 5
  • Morris Animal Foundation: 1
  • HHMI Gilliam Fellowship: 1
  • Ford Foundation: 1
  • American Heart Association: 1

combined Ph.D./D.V.M. students
incoming BBS Ph.D. students
underrepresented minority groups
international students

grad students sit at a table
A panel of graduate students speak at the annual BBS symposium. Photo: Carol Jennings/CVM

Continuing Education and Classroom Innovation 

A composite of various canine dental x-rays
CVM dentistry experts launched a new eCornell course entitled "Intraoral Radiography in the Dog." Image: Educational Support Services/CVM

New York State Veterinary Conference 2021

  • 3 days, up to 7 tracks per day
  • 930 attendees
  • 60 speakers
  • 120 sessions
  • 130 CE credits offered
  • 2 continuing education events
  • professional development events 
  • 170 content hours offered
  • 1,470 attendees
  • 33 educational grants awarded (all time) with 30 to Cornell Faculty and 3 to City University of Hong Kong Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (City U) faculty
  • Over 30% of grant projects completed and currently being used in both Cornell and City U curriculum
  • 8 new projects accepted since May 2021 with 6 from Cornell and 2 from City U
  • 5 online courses used by both D.V.M. and continuing education participants
 scientific illustration of a kidney
An illustration from an educational module on kidney anatomy created by Educational Support Services. Image: Allie Buck

International Programs 

CVM continues to expand its global presence and is working with a number of international partners to strengthen veterinary and public health capacity and advance animal, human and ecosystem health.

world map featuring locations of collaboration
Global map depicting areas where CVM has active partnerships and projects.

Collaborations with 17 countries:

  • Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong
  • Japan: Obihiro University
  • Belgium: Ghent University
  • Botswana: University of Botswana
  • India: Tata Trusts, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary University; National Institute of Animal Biotechnology; University of Hyderabad
  • Indonesia: Bogor Agricultural University
    Uganda and Congo: Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research
  • Kenya: Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute; Organic Health Response (NGO)
  • Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyz Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine
  • Malaysia: International Center for Living Aquatic resources 
  • Nepal: Agriculture and Forestry University; National Trust for Nature Conservation; 
  • Qatar: Equine Veterinary Medical Center
  • South Africa: University of Pretoria; Public Health research
  • Tajikistan: Veterinary Institute of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences; The Institute for Problems of Biological Safety
  • Trinidad and Tobago: Caribbean Public Health Agency 
  • Uganda: Makerere University; Zoonotic disease research
  • Uzbekistan: Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine; Samarkand Veterinary Medicine Institute
  • Zambia: Community Markets for Conservation
students from City U pose with Dr. Antczak
Students from City University's Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences visit the Baker Institute of Animal Health. Photo: Carol Jennings/CVM