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Advancing Clinical and Diagnostic Excellence

Veterinary surgeons in full scrub in an operating room

Our hospitals and diagnostic lab have been a source for state-of-the-art services for decades. To continue providing world-class diagnostic and clinical services to clients around the country and world, the college will:

Modernize and reimagine our hospitals to maintain highest levels of care and education

  • Update and integrate new technologies and equipment, including the linear accelerator, interventional radiology, CT machine and basic diagnostic equipment.
  • Evaluate the multiple hospital service organizations to identify and address education, service and efficiency gaps and provide ongoing staff training.
  • Determine if our electronic medical record and telemedicine services meet the needs of our hospital business operations. Advanced and emerging technology, including cloud-based computing, AI, and integrated applications, will be used to improve hospital business operations and offer state-of-the-art, client-facing tools and support impactful clinical research.
  • Collaborate with the New York Racing Association (NYRA) to improve equine safety using advanced imaging technology at CRES. Colleagues at CRES and the Ithaca campus will seek New York State and industry support to establish a research-based Thoroughbred racing safety program for the state and region.

Deliver expert diagnostic services and cultivate strong partnerships

  • Assess and expand diagnostics for emerging and underserved domains including apiary (bee) and aquatic health.
  • Explore partnerships with veterinary medical associations, national and international clinical laboratory groups, biotech firms, academic and corporate research organizations and other relevant organizations.
  • Use technological advances to streamline workflows and facilitate high-throughput testing, in particular for high-consequence disease outbreaks.