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Liz Dole ’82, D.V.M. ’86, wins ribbons at the Westminster Kennel Club Master's Agility Challenge

Alumna Liz Dole with her dogs at Wesminster dog show

Alumna Liz Dole poses with her dogs at the Westminster Dog Show.

The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine showed up to the Westminster Dog Show in more ways than one last month. In addition to being the official provider of veterinary care for the entire event, the CVM spirit was also represented by alumna Liz Dole ’82, D.V.M. ’86, who competed in the Master's Agility Challenge with her two Black Labs, Lexie and Chelsea. Dole placed fourth in one class and fifth in another--a notable achievement in this world-class competition.

Read the full story at CNY Central's site.