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Disease Du Jour Podcast: Lyme disease in horses


Lyme disease in horses is a commonly discussed and often controversial disease. In this episode of the Disease Du Jour podcast, Dr. Toby Pinn-Woodcock, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine, provides a comprehensive overview of the disease, including clinical signs, testing recommendations, treatments and vaccination protocols. 

Pinn-Woodcock is a member of the Veterinary Support Services team at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center and a clinician in Large Animal Internal Medicine Service at the Cornell Equine and Nemo Farm Animal Hospital. She received her doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in 2008, after which she completed a residency in large animal internal medicine at Cornell.

The Disease Du Jour podcast series provides educational equine content for veterinarians, students, technicians and industry professionals. It is sponsored by EquiManagement and Merck Animal Health.

Listen to the full episode on Disease Du Jour's website here.

Learn more about the Animal Health Diagnostic Center online.