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Combined degree student wins first place at annual American Dairy Science Association meeting

Jackson Seminara ’18, a first-year Ph.D. student in the combined degree program at the College of Veterinary Medicine, won first place at the Ph.D. student poster production division presentation competition at the 2022 American Dairy Science Association Annual (ADSA) Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, June 19-22. Seminara is a student in the lab of Jessica McArt, D.V.M. ’07, Ph.D. ’13, interim chair of the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences.

The ADSA research winners were interviewed by the podcast Real Science Exchange at the meeting. In the interview, which was recorded live on site, Seminara discussed calcium dynamics and associated patterns of milk constituents in early lactation multiparous Holsteins. Cows with different calcium dynamics have different milk profiles, and the healthy cows had higher levels of proteins.

He came to Cornell first for his undergraduate education in animal science. “What better production science is there than that with dairy cows?” Seminara says during his interview. The full recording can be viewed here: