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Faculty and staff recognized for professional excellence

Five faculty and staff earned awards for their professional excellence earlier this month. During the College Faculty Meeting on May 3, Dorothy Ainsworth, Dorothy Debbie, Lisa Fortier, Paul Jennette, and David Russell were each presented with either a Cornell University award or one of the SUNY Chancellor's Awards.

The College of Veterinary Medicine has been part of the state system since its establishment in 1894. The Chancellor's Awards for Excellence are System-level honors conferred to acknowledge and provide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of excellence. These programs underscore SUNY’s commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, advancing the boundaries of knowledge, providing the highest quality of instruction, and serving the public good. Through these awards, SUNY publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishment and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, librarians, and professional staff across its campuses.

The awards provide SUNY-wide recognition in five categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, and Teaching.

Dorothy Ainsworth

Dorothy M. Ainsworth DVM, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

Headshot of Dorothy Debbie

Dorothy Debbie Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

Lisa Fortier at a whiteboard in a lab coat

Lisa Fortier DVM, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Cornell University Academic Service Award

Paul Jennette headshot

Paul Jennette

Biosafety Engineer and Director of Biocontainment Operations
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service

David Russell at his desk with pictures in the background

David G. Russell BSc, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities