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SUNY Chancellor and College awards presented to academic and administrative leaders

Several faculty and administrators were recognized recently for their talent, commitment, and dedication to the veterinary profession and to the College of Veterinary Medicine.

In a presentation on May 2, College leaders announced an inaugural College award, an annual award for veterinary research presented from Zoetis (formerly Pfizer) and four awards that were presented by the State University of New York (SUNY). Known as Chancellor's Awards for Excellence, these SUNY honors are conferred to acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of excellence.

According to the State University of New York,

"These programs underscore SUNY’s commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, advancing the boundaries of knowledge, providing the highest quality of instruction, and serving the public good. Through these awards, SUNY publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishment and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, librarians and professional staff across its campuses. The awards provide SUNY-wide recognition in five categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, and Teaching."

Please congratulate the following winners!

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

FletcherPresented to Dr. Daniel Fletcher by Dr. Margaret McEntee in recognition of his dedication to providing quality programs for current students and practicing professionals


Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities

CerionePresented to Dr. Richard Cerione by Dr. Maurine Linder in recognition of the major contributions he has made in the area of cancer biology


Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

ScarlettPresented to Dr. Janet Scarlett by Dr. Bruce Akey in recognition of the groundbreaking efforts she has led to develop highly successful shelter medicine programs


Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service

Vrooman Presented to Lynne Vrooman by Paul Streeter in recognition of her commitment to the College and the positive impact her quiet and unassuming leadership has on the College


Outstanding Clinician Award

DykesPresented to Dr. Ned Dykes by Dr. Lorin Warnick, in recognition of his positive impact on teaching and clinical service during his long and distinguished tenure at the College


Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship

WhitakerPresented to Susanne Whitaker by Dr. Erla Heyns in recognition of her knowledge, expertise, and depth of experience with the profession and the College


Zoetis (formerly Pfizer Animal Health) Award for Research Excellence

CheethamPresented to Dr. Jon Cheetham by Dr. Joel Baines in recognition of his outstanding research efforts and productivity and the advancement of knowledge in areas relevant to veterinary medicine