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Satoshi Kimura, Phd

Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Assistant Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis

Lab Website

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
C4-135 Veterinary Medical Center
Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 607.253.2548

Research Interest

Kimura lab focuses on translation mechanisms in bacterial pathogens.

Translation is orchestrated by interactions between many components, including ribosomes, messenger RNAs (mRNAs), transfer RNAs (tRNAs), and protein factors. Besides essential components of the translation machinery, many additional factors modulate translation. Genome-wide genetic screens have demonstrated that numerous translation modulation factors are dispensable for in vitro culture but crucial for optimal bacterial colonization and virulence in the host. Kimura lab aims to unravel the mechanisms by which pathogens modulate translation for their robust pathogenesis. Uncovering new mechanisms facilitating bacterial pathogenesis deepens our understanding of infectious diseases and develops the groundwork for new therapeutics.

Our research covers multiple aspects of pathogens' translation: (1) Translation modulation mechanisms underpinning bacterial pathogenesis; (2) Translation modulation and cellular metabolism; (3) tRNA modification in diverse pathogens and commensals; (4) Codon usage patterns and virulence gene expression; (5) Exploration of small compounds targeting translation modulation factors.

Kimura Lab employs a broad range of experimental methodologies, including biochemical approaches, RNA mass spectrometry, high-throughput sequencing techniques, bioinformatics, and animal infection models, to investigate the understudied areas of bacterial pathogens.


  • B.S.     University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

  • M.S.     University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

  • Ph.D.    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Dr. Kimura completed his BS, MS and Ph.D. in Biotechnology at the University of Tokyo, where he learned biochemical approaches and RNA mass spectrometry to study RNA modification under the supervision of Dr. Tsutomu Suzuki. After completion of the short postdoc training at the University of Tokyo, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts and joined Matthew Waldor lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School. During his postdoc training, Dr. Kimura developed a high-throughput pipeline to profile tRNA modifications in non-model organisms where tRNA modification is largely unexplored and studied how tRNA modifications modulate tRNA metabolism and function to promote pathogens’ environmental adaptation.


pubmed    Please select the PubMed link for a list of Dr. Kimura's publications.

Professional/Academic Affiliations

  • Member, RNA Society